Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Jessica Helligso Advertisment Essay

            One day when I was at the gas station I was thinking about where oil comes from. I felt as the American consumer I really didn’t know where this black gold, which essentially has its hand in everything I do, came from. I figured that oil comes from foreign countries that were now rich because of the demand for oil. As I dug more into oil and where it comes from I was surprised with how horrible the host countries were treated. As I was researching the treatment of the countries I stumbled upon Chevrons “We Agree” campaign. The “We Agree” campaign is a great campaign and the message in the campaign is a good one. But the campaign is trying to emotionally appeal to the consumer and use common American values to make the consumer believe this is what Chevron does, but these appeals cover up the facts about Chevron and their actions
            In the “We Agree” campaign all the posters are very similar in design and it’s nothing flashy. The posters have neutral grey and red colors with a statement and a picture. The statement is something about how oil companies should treat the countries they harvest oil from or help the United States. Then there is a picture which is usually a close-up of a person. The ads are made to look worn and crinkled. And in the corner there is a small note of how Chevron is working to make these statements come true.  These ads are made to make you feel emotionally attached to them and trustworthy.
            The “We Agree” campaign is using emotional appeals in their ads trying making the audience connect more with the message. In almost every poster there is a picture of an elderly person, woman, or child. These pictures are usually a close up of their face and focuses on the facial expression they are making. The ads really focus on these pictures since half of the entire ad is the picture. In fact “some of the new ads are signed by non-profit groups that work with Chevron, such as the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and Cleantech Open, an organization that promotes companies specializing in renewable energy and green technologies” (Casselman). Almost all these non-profit groups are all groups that are associated with sickness and Chevron is trying to sway the American people’s opinion using their emotions.
            In the campaign not only is Chevron using emotions to sway the audience they are also using common American beliefs in their ad in hopes to gain your trust. The ads all spot light big political issues and “focus on five main themes: Growth and Jobs, Renewable Energy, Technology, Small Business and Community Development” (“Chevron”). These are all hot topics in politics. Since the economic crash in 2008 everyone is looking for the economy to bounce back. Job growth and helping small businesses were huge political issues and Chevron really plays off these issues. They pair the hot political issue with an emotionally appealing picture and then stamp “we agree” on the ad; but where are the facts?
            Maria Ramos, campaign director for the Rainforest Action Network said “Chevron’s rhetoric and the public image that they put forward is very different from how they're actually operating" (qtd in Casselman). The “we agree” campaign came soon after the Gulf of Mexico oil spill and a multi-billion lawsuit that claims Chevron is responsible for the oil pollution in Ecuador (“Chevron”). One of the “we agree” ads reads “oil companies should clean up their messes” yet Chevron refuses to back down from a lawsuit claiming years of pollution by the oil company. “Ecuador has long accused the oil company of destroying the local environment while damaging the health of local indigenous peoples and filed suit against Chevron” (Mallén). Recently a court in Ecuador ordered Chevron to pay $18 billion in damages but has since being fighting the decision (Mallén). But don’t forget oil companies “should” clean up their messes.
            The “We Agree” campaign uses very smart advertising techniques during a time that oil companies are not so popular. Through this campaign consumers feel that when they go to fill up their car they are supporting a good cause by choosing a Chevron station. But it is important that as an audience the American people should question the advertisements they see because an ad that has an elderly man and a positive political message on it can hid a lot of the facts.

Works Cited
Casselman, Ben. "Chevron Ad Campaign Answers Critics Head-On." Wall Street Journal. N.p., 18 Oct. 2010. Web. 14 Nov. 2013
"Chevron Attempts to Repair Tarnished Image with ‘We Agree’ Ad Campaign." Environmental Leader RSS. N.p., 18 Oct. 2010. Web. 14 Nov. 2013.
Mallén, Patricia Rey. "Chevron Vs. Ecuador: $19 Billion Environmental Contamination Case Takes More Bizarre Turns in New York Court." International Business Times. N.p., 18 Oct. 2013. Web. 14 Nov. 2013.

1 comment:

  1. I have been seeing ads similar to these, and I'm pretty sure they're from Chevron, in some of the magazines I read. I always wondered if what they were hinting at was actually true. And now I know it isn't! Oil companies are still the big bad guys I always thought they were. Very informative essay. It is easy to read and very clear. There were just some minor wording issues and misspellings, but overall a very good essay. Thank you for exposing the truth behind the claim.
    -Josi Mabry
