Thursday, November 21, 2013

Tia Fish's Essay #2 - A World Of Less Worry

Tia Fish
Nancy Cook
Writing 122
29 October 2013
                                                            A World Of Less Worry
        Imagine a world where no one had to worry about health care . No matter the kind of circumstances people would always be covered. Over forty- seven million people in America are uninsured (Kaiser Par 1). Unlike many, I am one of the few young adults who is still covered through my parents, health care plan. Because of the ACA, I am able to stay on my parents plan till I'm twenty-six. Allowing young children and adults to stay on their parents plan is extremely beneficial. It gives them the ability to maintain a healthy life and keeps them secure if they may need to visit the doctor.  Creating a firm foundation in health care when children are young, may help eliminate more visits down the road. Regardless of age, work status, or financial situation, health care should be available to everyone in the U.S, and Obama Care provision for young people are good for America.
    Many young people choose not to have health care because of prices of insurance . This may seem like a good idea, but in reality, they’re only hurting themselves and affecting the ones they love. By not obtaining health care one could face debt, reduction of income, or even fines.(Hill Par 1-3). Even worse, youth could end up taking their parents retirement money by just simply not having health care.  Beginning in the new year in 2014 the majority of Americans will be required to get insured in health care, and if they don’t become insured they will have to pay a fine (Hill Par 1-3).  No one knows what illnesses they may face, that is why it’s important to maintain a preventative care to prevent diseases and illnesses from arising. Even if the majority of the population chooses to either have insurance, many adults don’t even have access to health insurance. Either they may be self-employed or their employer doesn't offer benefits.
            People will say young adults should be allowed to remain uninsured because it's during a time when they are less likely to need healthcare. Many children and young adults are less likely to become sick as often when they are young then compared to an elderly person. However, by making sure young children and adults have constant access to care when they are young, it will help establish a healthier life and eliminate greater risks down the road.  Young people are just as prone to infections and illnesses as grown adults are. That is why health care should be given to all categories of age. I believe the ACA is a great program and will help make the young people of today stronger in the years to come. Allowing children to be on their parents plan even if they are finished with college or married, gives the young adults time to find a job that has benefits in health care and  it also gives them the opportunity to save money while trying to build their own life as a new adult.
       As a young employee, I only work four to five days a week. Because of the hours I receive and the position I obtained when hired, I don’t qualify for benefits in health care. If my parents did not have health care, I would have no coverage at all. Even though I only go to the doctor a few times a year I know that myself and my family would not be able to afford to pay the bills out of pocket. If it wasn't for the ACA, many young adults like myself would be uninsured and most of us probably wouldn't go to the doctor unless it was urgent. This in data would leave us not only to suffer but, to not get the adequate care we need before it becomes severe.
   ACA is the building block to making sure that young children and adults get a firm foundation in preventative care. Not only does this act play a role in patient protection, but it also provides support to young people who are unqualified to be insured. Choosing health care is the best is the best alternative for  not causing great distress in life. It can also avoid unwanted financial difficulty or health problems. So no matter what ones position may be on this topic, know that one’s health is something only someone can preserve and protect throughout one’s life.

Work Cited 
1.  Kaiser PAR 1,” Key Facts about the Uninsured Population << >> The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation.”, Key facts about the Uninsured Population.  N.p.,nd Web. 30 Oct. 2013

2.  Hill PAR 1-3  Hill, Cindy .The Effects Of Not Having Health Insurance On Personal Finances. Livestrong , 2010. Web. 30 Oct. , 2013 

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