Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Jessica Helligso Health Care Essay

Mental Health Care
            Everyone has those days that they just don’t want to get out of bed and lack motivation. But imagine if that was your mind set everyday; the thought of getting out of bed just made you feel exhausted and emotionally drained. Many Americans have this feeling on a daily basis and don’t have the resources to seek help. But under Obamacare they now have that option to get help. Obamacare is an acceptable healthcare system because it offers to cover treatment regarding mental health issues.
            As a part of the Affordable Healthcare Act (AHA) mental health services will now be covered as part of the patient’s health insurance. Dr. Dilip V. Jeste, president of the American Psychiatric Association, said; “This law has the potential to change the course of life for psychiatric paitents for the better, in that sense it is both humane and right” (qtd in Friedman).  Getting medical treatment for a physical aliment is considered a human necessity. Treating psychological aliments should be accessible to everyone and treated equal to a physical aliment. Under the AHA, insurance plans will have to cover a set of core services called “essential health benefits” (Singletary). Included on this list of essentials are mental health and substance- use disorder services (Singletary). The services consist of “behavioral health treatment, counseling, and psychotherapy” (Singletary). People who have never had the access and resources to get mental health treatment will be able to like never before thanks to the Affordable Healthcare Act.
            Insurance covering mental health costs is long overdue. According to MentalHealth.gov one in five adults has experienced a mental health issue (qtd in Singletary). This is twenty percent of the adult population. If twenty percent of the adult population had experienced some sort of physical ailment such as a broken leg one would assume that insurance would offer coverage for it; but not in the case of mental health diseases. The World Health Organization ranks major cases of depression as the leading cause of disability (Friedman). If health insurance covers mental health problems such as depression we could possibly have less people living on disability. This can benefit the United States.  In fact one in twenty adults live with a serious mental illness such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or major depression (Singletary). Not only can covering mental health costs keep people off disability for mental illness we could possibly lower suicide rates, or even crime rates.
            Not everyone believes that mental health should be covered under the new Obamacare system. They would argue that “mental health accounts for a small part of total health care spending -- by one estimate, $113 billion annually, or less than 6 percent of the $2.6 trillion overall health care bill” (Abelson). But mental health could account for so little of the health care system because of the stigma attached to having mental health disorders. There is a stigma that if you need help mentally, you are crazy. This makes people less apt to come forward and seek help for their mental health needs. As well as a stigma attached to mental health diseases, seeking mental health can be expensive. But making it an “essential health benefit” can cause people to get help for mental health issues and over time the stigma might subside.
            Overall Obamacare covering mental health expenses is a positive thing. With the new coverage of mental health care we can become a healthier society. Someone could be the healthiest person in the world physically, but mentally be a complete mess. Is it not important for that person to be able to seek help to become mental strong as well? Maybe now we will not have to answer that question and the people of the United States can be healthier both body and mind.

Works Cited

Abelson, Reed. "On the Threshold of Obamacare, Warily." New York Times 29 Sept. 2013: 1(L). Opposing Viewpoint In Context . Web. 29 Oct. 2013.
 Friedman, Richard A., M.D. "Good News for Mental Illness in Health Law." New York Times
. N.p., 9j July 2012. Web. 20 Oct. 2013.
Singletary, Michelle. "Mental-health Coverage to Get a Big Boost under Obamacare." Washington Post
. N.p., 17 Sept. 2013. Web. 20 Oct. 2013.


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