Monday, November 11, 2013

Josi Mabry's Article Summary

Josefine Mabry
Nancy Cook
Writing 122
11 November 2013

Stephen Garey, a former advertising industry creative executive, wrote an article entitled Brands R Us: How Advertising Works.  In it, he explains that “most people don’t believe, don’t remember, don’t even notice, most advertising.”  He states that the goal of advertising is not to buy a certain product, but merely to buy more and to buy new instead of fixing something.   It uses humor to tell us not to take the effects of this consumerist society too seriously.  The amount we consume has a bigger toll on the environment than what we consume. The advertising industry is not going to change, we the people must change.  Garey provides a list of steps we can take in order to reduce advertising in our everyday lives. Don’t be a walking advertisement (remove labels and logos from clothing), keep your counter clear of brand names (transfer goods such as cleaning supplies and foods into logo-free containers), take the road less traveled (avoid highways, which will reduce the amount of billboard ads), reduce or limit junk mail,  Divest your possessions of brand names (cover logos and brands with paint of tape), and lastly, keep your branded items hidden.

Garey, Stephen. “Brands R Us: Hows Advertising Works.” Media and Value. issue 51 n. pag. Center For Media Literacy. Web. 9 Nov. 2013.

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